
👋 Hello there, I am the Web3 Wizard

For the last ten years, I have been on a mission to develop blockchain applications and make them available to the masses.


Hacking with Dror Tirosh, the professor behind account abstraction (ERC4337) in Eth Lisbon Hackathon '23

My real name is Dité, but when I was managing the development of OceanPoint's first version, Denis Petrovcic, the founder and CEO of Blocksquare, nicknamed me Web3Wizz. Although I’ve switched roles and companies, and in the meantime, BST went from a market cap of $8 million to $40 million, the nickname has remained.

During the last ten years, I’ve developed:

  • Multisig interfaces for Bitcoin
  • BTC freelancer platform
  • Pivoted to Ethereum-based solutions
  • Developed smart contracts and interfaces to these contracts
  • Pre-audited, wrote tools around working with smart contracts
  • Started two startups in the blockchain field, one a success and the second a big learning
  • Coded e-signatures on EVM
  • Helped DIAData develop user-facing applications
  • Spin out an index fund working with the smart contracts & interfaces again, about which I can’t say much
  • Help DUA generate and ideate their wallet and tokenization
  • NFTs with advanced functionality
  • I also helped several other companies and protocols achieve their blockchain goals

I won’t bore you with my CV, so if you are curious, you are welcomed to view my LinkedIn

The critical bit is that I’ve developed concepts, white papers, and written contracts during my journey, from non-financial applications to sophisticated financial operations and ways to interact with these smart contracts. I’ve created data structures behind these applications and built beautiful charts while sometimes sitting in front of the board of directors explaining why a strategy is better than another to pursue. My clients have previously patented a few of these works.

Don’t take my word for it. Here is what Sam, a head engineer at DIA Data Association, had to say about our work:

Dite is a very diligent engineer who is able to work on complex projects independently. He takes ownership of his deliveries, is always transparent and communicative and also is excellent with complex requirements. It is always a pleasure to work with Dite and I can be sure to collaborate on excellent projects with him.

Samuel Brack

- Technical Strategy and Execution @ DIA Association

Right after Sam, is Ardit, head of blockchain initiative at DUA at that time:

I had the pleasure of working closely with Dite in his role as a Blockchain Advisor for dua.com for over one year.

Dite brings extensive knowledge and expertise to the table, with a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its applications. He excels in analyzing complex problems, proposing innovative solutions, and effectively communicating with stakeholders. Dite's strong work ethic, attention to detail, and proactive approach make him an invaluable asset to any team. His contributions are sure to drive success in any advisory role.

On a personal level, I can only say it has been incredible to both learn and be advised by him, but most importantly the everyday work was fun and exciting.

I recommend Dite to any web3/crypto/blockchain startup team. You will get a very capable and trusted advisor who will guide you through the many questions and obstacles along the journey.

Ardit Trikshiqi

- Monetization Lead at dua.com

In between, I’ve been on the technical advisory board, which quickly grew into a larger role working with BOSAgora, located in Korea and Switzerland. Here is what Serge Komaroni, a council member of the BOSAgora foundation, had to say about our work together:

Since May 2019, I've worked over the span of 5 years with Dite as part of our Technical Advisory Team at Bosagora Foundation, where I am a founding council member. Dite's work has been instrumental in helping us keep the team accountable and aligned with the goals of our mission to bring about a decentralized, competitive solution to the market. His ability to do blockchain business analysis and also dig deeply into the tech itself, even implementing components, has been highly valuable to our efforts. He is ethical and values human relationships overall. I would recommend him for any blockchain, tech, or business services that are needed.

Serge Komaromi

- BOSAgora Foundation Council Member

Finally, here is a heartfelt review by Denis Petrovcic, the founding father of BlockSquare protocol:

One of the highlights of his tenure was leading the development of the Oceanpoint.fi project. From the first brainstorming session to the release of the fourth beta version (v0.4), Dite was at the helm, steering the dev team with a clear vision and infectious enthusiasm. His leadership was instrumental in turning the initial concept into a tangible scalable product that we're all proud of.

But what really sets Dite apart is his ability to foster a collaborative environment. He's not just a tech whiz – he's a team player who knows how to communicate complex ideas in a way that everyone can understand. His dedication and ethical standards are exemplary.

Dite is a team leader, an innovator, and all-around a great colleague. I have no doubt he will continue to do amazing things in the DeFi space.

Denis Petrovcic

- founder & CEO of Blocksquare

Now, Web3Wizz is set up to be a self-usable dApp, yet it does most of the magic currently on the front end. Many teams and projects require smart contracts' data layer and solidity end. For those, I do provide freelance consulting and work. I can help you with the following:

  • Code smart contracts
  • Blockchain systems architecture
  • Devise protocol mechanics
  • Get feedback, fool-proof your protocol
  • Strategy
  • Tokenomics

Practically, anything except graphic design or copywriting (I had to hire somebody to write this page 🙈)

Huh, that was a lot of talk about me. Let's get back to you, now. I’d like to learn more about:

  • What are you looking to build or currently building?
  • Do you believe that dApps should proliferate all parts of our internet lives?
  • Are you working on building something that you believe thousands will use?

I have set up a free 30-minute consultation for passionate founders and teams with no strings attached.

Are you ready to get started?